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Manage Your Oasis Networks

The network command is used to manage the Mainnet, Testnet or Localnet endpoints Oasis CLI will be connecting to.

The network command is commonly used:

  • on network upgrades, because the chain domain separation context is changed due to a new genesis document,
  • when setting up a local oasis-node instance instead of relying on public gRPC endpoints,
  • when running a private Localnet with oasis-net-runner,
  • when examining network properties such as the native token, the network registry, the validator set and others.

Oasis CLI supports both remote endpoints via the secure gRPC protocol and local Unix socket endpoints.


When running the Oasis CLI for the first time, it will automatically configure the current Mainnet and Testnet endpoints.

Add a Network

Invoke network add <name> <chain-context> <rpc-endpoint> to add a new endpoint with a specific chain domain separation context and a gRPC address. This command is useful, if you want to connect to your own instance of the Oasis node instead of relying on the public gRPC endpoints.

For TCP/IP endpoints, run:

oasis network add testnet_alt 0b91b8e4e44b2003a7c5e23ddadb5e14ef5345c0ebcb3ddcae07fa2f244cab76
? Description: Testnet alternative
? Denomination symbol: TEST
? Denomination decimal places: (9)

For Unix sockets, use:

oasis network add testnet_local 0b91b8e4e44b2003a7c5e23ddadb5e14ef5345c0ebcb3ddcae07fa2f244cab76 unix:/node_testnet/data/internal.sock
? Description: Testnet network, local node
? Denomination symbol: TEST
? Denomination decimal places: (9)

Add a Local Network

network add-local <name> <rpc-endpoint> command can be used if you are running oasis-node on your local machine. In this case, Oasis CLI will autodetect the native token symbol and decimal places, the chain domain separation context and registered ParaTimes.

oasis network add-local testnet_local unix:/node_testnet/data/internal.sock

List Networks

Invoke network list to list all configured networks.

oasis network list
NAME         	CHAIN CONTEXT                                                   	RPC                           
mainnet (*) bb3d748def55bdfb797a2ac53ee6ee141e54cd2ab2dc2375f4a0703a178e6e55
mainnet_local b11b369e0da5bb230b220127f5e7b242d385ef8c6f54906243f30af63c815535 unix:/node/data/internal.sock
testnet 0b91b8e4e44b2003a7c5e23ddadb5e14ef5345c0ebcb3ddcae07fa2f244cab76
testnet_alt 50304f98ddb656620ea817cc1446c401752a05a249b36c9b90dba4616829977a

The default network is marked with the (*) sign.

Remove a Network

Use network remove <name> to remove the given network configuration including all dependant ParaTimes.

oasis network remove testnet_alt

Set Network Chain Context

To change the chain context of a network, use network set-chain-context <name> <chain-context>.


Chain contexts represent a root of trust in the network, so before changing them for production networks make sure you have verified them against a trusted source like the Mainnet and Testnet chapters in the official Oasis documentation.

oasis network list
NAME             	CHAIN CONTEXT                                                   	RPC                           
mainnet bb3d748def55bdfb797a2ac53ee6ee141e54cd2ab2dc2375f4a0703a178e6e55
mainnet_local (*) b11b369e0da5bb230b220127f5e7b242d385ef8c6f54906243f30af63c815535 unix:/node/data/internal.sock
testnet 0b91b8e4e44b2003a7c5e23ddadb5e14ef5345c0ebcb3ddcae07fa2f244cab76
oasis network set-chain-context mainnet_local 01234513331133a715c7a150313877dF1d33e77a715c7a150313877dF1d33e77
oasis network list
NAME             	CHAIN CONTEXT                                                   	RPC                           
mainnet bb3d748def55bdfb797a2ac53ee6ee141e54cd2ab2dc2375f4a0703a178e6e55
mainnet_local (*) 01234513331133a715c7a150313877dF1d33e77a715c7a150313877dF1d33e77 unix:/node/data/internal.sock
testnet 0b91b8e4e44b2003a7c5e23ddadb5e14ef5345c0ebcb3ddcae07fa2f244cab76

Set Default Network

To change the default network for future Oasis CLI operations, use network set-default <name>.

oasis network list
NAME         	CHAIN CONTEXT                                                   	RPC                           
mainnet (*) bb3d748def55bdfb797a2ac53ee6ee141e54cd2ab2dc2375f4a0703a178e6e55
mainnet_local b11b369e0da5bb230b220127f5e7b242d385ef8c6f54906243f30af63c815535 unix:/node/data/internal.sock
testnet 0b91b8e4e44b2003a7c5e23ddadb5e14ef5345c0ebcb3ddcae07fa2f244cab76
oasis network set-default mainnet_local
oasis network list
NAME             	CHAIN CONTEXT                                                   	RPC                           
mainnet bb3d748def55bdfb797a2ac53ee6ee141e54cd2ab2dc2375f4a0703a178e6e55
mainnet_local (*) b11b369e0da5bb230b220127f5e7b242d385ef8c6f54906243f30af63c815535 unix:/node/data/internal.sock
testnet 0b91b8e4e44b2003a7c5e23ddadb5e14ef5345c0ebcb3ddcae07fa2f244cab76

Change a Network's RPC Endpoint

To change the RPC address of the already configured network, run network set-rpc <name> <new_endpoint>:

oasis network list
NAME         	CHAIN CONTEXT                                                   	RPC                           
mainnet (*) bb3d748def55bdfb797a2ac53ee6ee141e54cd2ab2dc2375f4a0703a178e6e55
mainnet_local b11b369e0da5bb230b220127f5e7b242d385ef8c6f54906243f30af63c815535 unix:/node/data/internal.sock
testnet 0b91b8e4e44b2003a7c5e23ddadb5e14ef5345c0ebcb3ddcae07fa2f244cab76
testnet_alt 50304f98ddb656620ea817cc1446c401752a05a249b36c9b90dba4616829977a
oasis network set-rpc testnet_alt
oasis network list
NAME         	CHAIN CONTEXT                                                   	RPC                           
mainnet (*) bb3d748def55bdfb797a2ac53ee6ee141e54cd2ab2dc2375f4a0703a178e6e55
mainnet_local b11b369e0da5bb230b220127f5e7b242d385ef8c6f54906243f30af63c815535 unix:/node/data/internal.sock
testnet 0b91b8e4e44b2003a7c5e23ddadb5e14ef5345c0ebcb3ddcae07fa2f244cab76
testnet_alt 50304f98ddb656620ea817cc1446c401752a05a249b36c9b90dba4616829977a


Governance Operations

network governance command is aimed towards validators for proposing or voting on-chain for network upgrades or changes to other crucial network parameters.


Use network list to view all past and still active governance proposals. Each proposal has its unique subsequent ID, a submitter, an epoch when the proposal was created and when it closes and a state.

oasis network governance list --network testnet
ID	KIND                          	SUBMITTER                                     	CREATED AT	CLOSES AT	STATE  
1 upgrade oasis1qrs2dl6nz6fcxxr3tq37laxlz6hxk6kuscnr6rxj 5633 5645 passed
2 upgrade oasis1qrs2dl6nz6fcxxr3tq37laxlz6hxk6kuscnr6rxj 7525 7537 passed
3 upgrade oasis1qrs2dl6nz6fcxxr3tq37laxlz6hxk6kuscnr6rxj 8817 8829 passed
4 upgrade oasis1qrs2dl6nz6fcxxr3tq37laxlz6hxk6kuscnr6rxj 14183 14195 passed
5 upgrade oasis1qrs2dl6nz6fcxxr3tq37laxlz6hxk6kuscnr6rxj 14869 14881 passed
6 cancel upgrade 5 oasis1qrs2dl6nz6fcxxr3tq37laxlz6hxk6kuscnr6rxj 14895 14907 passed
7 upgrade oasis1qrs2dl6nz6fcxxr3tq37laxlz6hxk6kuscnr6rxj 14982 14994 passed
8 upgrade oasis1qpwaggvmhwq5uk40clase3knt655nn2tdy39nz2f 29493 29505 passed
9 change parameters (governance) oasis1qrx85mv85k708ylww597rd42enlzhdmeu56wqj72 30693 30705 passed

Network selector is available for the governance list command.


network governance show <proposal-id> shows detailed information on past or opened governance proposals on the consensus layer.

oasis network governance show 5 --network localhost_testnet
Network:     localhost_testnet
Proposal ID: 5
Status: passed
- yes: 40353433694198429
- no: 0
- abstain: 0

Total voting stake: 50569514477387972
Voted stake: 40353433694198429 (79.80%)
Voted yes stake: 40353433694198429 (100.00%)
Threshold: 68%

1. oasis1qz2tg4hsatlxfaf8yut9gxgv8990ujaz4sldgmzx,<none>,10090915233195893 (19.95%)
2. oasis1qqv25adrld8jjquzxzg769689lgf9jxvwgjs8tha,<none>,10088536651526034 (19.95%)
3. oasis1qq2vzcvxn0js5unsch5me2xz4kr43vcasv0d5eq4,<none>,10087294462687006 (19.95%)
4. oasis1qz424yg28jqmgfq3xvly6ky64jqnmlylfc27d7cp,<none>,10086687346789496 (19.95%)

1. oasis1qr37y56g92chzvsew54kj7gu47cxyly7jytt5rm0,<none>,10086569233063782 (19.95%)
2. oasis1qrwncs459lauc77zw23efdn9dmfcp23cxv095l5z,GateOmega,36880124779329 (0.07%)
3. oasis1qq60zmsfca0gvmm3v8906pn5zqtt4ee2ssexramg,Validatrium,33702388192293 (0.07%)
4. oasis1qzjm0zwfg4egs9kk4d9rkujudzk8pjp5rvxyr3ag,Munay Network,11688006553404 (0.02%)
5. oasis1qpq97fm6lf87jzms9agd6z902nh7axtxvus6m352,LDV,10366034293998 (0.02%)
6. oasis1qpz97gfrvj5xzx8jx7x9zweeq0rcf2q6jg4a09qz,Stardust Staking,10073645442224 (0.02%)
7. oasis1qr2jxg57ch6p3787t2a8973v8zn8g82nxuex0773,Doorgod,9065607211215 (0.02%)
8. oasis1qz9x0zpja6n25hc5242k2e60l6a7ke2zsq9cqrqz,SerGo,5038002123045 (0.01%)
9. oasis1qqxxut9x74dutu587f9nj8787qz4dm0ueu05l88c,Princess Stake,2820051385569 (0.01%)
10. oasis1qq45am6gzaur2rxhk26av9qf7ryhgca6ecg28clu,Jr,2015272611166 (0.00%)
11. oasis1qzlzczsdme4scprjjh4h4vtljnmx3ag4vgpdnqln,Alexander (aka Bambarello) Validator,1591674847600 (0.00%)
12. oasis1qrq7hgvv26003hy89klcmy3mnedrmyd7lvf0k6qn,Perfect Stake,1402251445282 (0.00%)
13. oasis1qzwe6xywazp29tp20974wgxhdcpdf6yxfcn2jxvv,Simply Staking,1259545381854 (0.00%)
14. oasis1qphcvmsh6mw98vtg0cg4dvdsen5tm0g3e58eqpnp,Appload,1107161223526 (0.00%)
15. oasis1qpc66dgff4wrkj8kac4njrl2uvww3c9m5ycjwar2,<none>,1007401444145 (0.00%)
16. oasis1qpswaz4djukz0zanquyh2vswk59up22emysq5am9,StakeService,797017095508 (0.00%)
17. oasis1qr4vsan850vmztuy9r2pex4fj4wxnmhvlgclg500,<none>,297168911795 (0.00%)
18. oasis1qrdrup88pr27pjaaqh2m34dl6hu2u0lh4cfk3lnh,<none>,200192811785 (0.00%)
19. oasis1qqgvqelw8kmcd8k4cqypcsyajkl3gq6ppc4t34n2,AnkaStake,200004372023 (0.00%)

Governance proposals are not indexed and an endpoint may take some time to respond. If you encounter timeouts, consider setting up your own gRPC endpoint!


Network selector is available for the governance show command.


network governance cast-vote <proposal-id> { yes | no | abstain } is used to submit your vote on the governance proposal. The vote can either be yes, no or abstein.

oasis network governance cast-vote 5 yes
Unlock your account.
? Passphrase:
You are about to sign the following transaction:
Method: governance.CastVote
Proposal ID: 5
Vote: yes
Nonce: 7
Amount: 0.0 TEST
Gas limit: 1240
(gas price: 0.0 TEST per gas unit)

Network: testnet
ParaTime: none (consensus layer)
Account: test

Network and account selectors are available for the governance cast-vote command.


To submit a new governance proposal use network governance create-proposal. The following proposal types are currently supported:

  • cancel-upgrade <proposal-id>: Cancel network proposed upgrade. Provide the ID of the network upgrade proposal you wish to cancel.
  • parameter-change <module-name> <changes.json>: Network parameter change proposal. Provide the consensus module name and the parameter changes JSON. Valid module names are: staking, governance, keymanager, scheduler, registry, and roothash
  • upgrade <descriptor.json>: Network upgrade proposal. Provide a JSON file containing the upgrade descriptor.

Network and account selectors are available for all governance create-proposal subcommands.

Show Network Properties

network show shows the network property stored in the registry, scheduler, genesis document or on chain.

By passing --height <block_number> with a block number, you can obtain a historic value of the property.


Network selector is available for the network show command.

The command expects one of the following parameters:


Shows all registered entities in the network registry. See the account entity command, if you want to register or update your own entity.


This call is not enabled on public Oasis gRPC endpoints. You will have to run your own client node to enable this functionality.


Shows all registered nodes in the network registry. See the account entity, to add a node to your entity.


This call is not enabled on public Oasis gRPC endpoints. You will have to run your own client node to enable this functionality.


Shows all registered ParaTimes in the network registry.


Shows all IDs of the nodes in the validator set.


Shows information of the network's native tokens such as its symbol, the number of decimal points, total supply, debonding period and staking thresholds.

oasis network show native-token
Network:                  mainnet
Token's ticker symbol: ROSE
Token's base-10 exponent: 9
Total supply: 10000000000.0 ROSE
Common pool: 853509298.875305407 ROSE
Last block fees: 0.0 ROSE
Governance deposits: 0.0 ROSE
Debonding interval: 336 epoch(s)

entity: 100.0 ROSE
node-validator: 100.0 ROSE
node-compute: 100.0 ROSE
node-keymanager: 100.0 ROSE
runtime-compute: 50000.0 ROSE
runtime-keymanager: 50000.0 ROSE

We can see that the token's name is ROSE and that 1 token corresponds to 10^9 (i.e. one billion) base units.

Next, we can observe that the total supply is 10 billion tokens and that about 1.3 billion tokens are in the common pool.

Staking thresholds are important for the network validators. They show the minimum staked amount required to become an active validator for the entity and all node kinds (validator, compute, key manager nodes). At time of writing, this was 100 tokens. For example, if you wanted to register an entity running a validator and a compute node, you would need to stake (i.e. escrow) at least 300 tokens.


Each runtime may also require a minimum ParaTime-specific escrow for running a compute node. Use the network show id command and pass a corresponding Paratime ID to see it.

The runtime- fields show you the required staked amount for registering a new ParaTime of any kind (compute, key manager) was 50,000 tokens at time of writing.


Shows minimum gas costs for each consensus transaction.

oasis network show gas-costs
Gas costs for network mainnet:
- add_escrow: 1000
- allow: 1000
- amend_commission_schedule: 1000
- burn: 1000
- reclaim_escrow: 1000
- transfer: 1000
- withdraw: 1000

Above, we can see that the maximum amount of gas our transaction can spend must be set to at least 1000 gas units, otherwise it will be rejected by the network.


The provided ID can be one of the following:

  • If the ParaTime ID is provided, Oasis CLI shows ParaTime information stored in the network's registry.

    For example, at time of writing information on Sapphire stored in the Mainnet registry were as follows:

    oasis network show 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f80306c9858e7279
    "v": 3,
    "id": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f80306c9858e7279",
    "entity_id": "TAv9qXjV4yBphnKLJcNkzois1TLoYUjaRPrMfY58Apo=",
    "genesis": {
    "state_root": "c672b8d1ef56ed28ab87c3622c5114069bdd3ad7b8f9737498d0c01ecef0967a",
    "round": 0
    "kind": 1,
    "tee_hardware": 1,
    "key_manager": "4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008c5ea5e49b4bc9ac",
    "executor": {
    "group_size": 5,
    "group_backup_size": 7,
    "allowed_stragglers": 1,
    "round_timeout": 2,
    "max_messages": 256,
    "min_live_rounds_percent": 90,
    "min_live_rounds_eval": 20,
    "max_liveness_fails": 4
    "txn_scheduler": {
    "batch_flush_timeout": 1000000000,
    "max_batch_size": 1000,
    "max_batch_size_bytes": 1048576,
    "propose_batch_timeout": 2
    "storage": {
    "checkpoint_interval": 100000,
    "checkpoint_num_kept": 2,
    "checkpoint_chunk_size": 8388608
    "admission_policy": {
    "any_node": {}
    "constraints": {
    "executor": {
    "backup-worker": {
    "validator_set": {},
    "max_nodes": {
    "limit": 1
    "min_pool_size": {
    "limit": 7
    "worker": {
    "validator_set": {},
    "max_nodes": {
    "limit": 1
    "min_pool_size": {
    "limit": 7
    "staking": {
    "thresholds": {
    "node-compute": "5000000000000000"
    "min_in_message_fee": "0"
    "governance_model": "entity",
    "deployments": [
    "version": {
    "minor": 4
    "valid_from": 20944,
    "tee": "oWhlbmNsYXZlc4GiaW1yX3NpZ25lclggQCXat+vaH77MTjY3YG4CEhTQ9BxtBCL9N4sqi4iBhFlqbXJfZW5jbGF2ZVgg3mqV02+CDfyth1fNyaR8jo3rVp024JOBkBGnjtLPypM="
    "version": {
    "minor": 5,
    "patch": 2
    "valid_from": 23476,
    "tee": "oWhlbmNsYXZlc4GiaW1yX3NpZ25lclggQCXat+vaH77MTjY3YG4CEhTQ9BxtBCL9N4sqi4iBhFlqbXJfZW5jbGF2ZVggMBEUvUKRVLByqR+3a/KVNkkMjorOJLTw2Znb36baBQY="

    Network validators may be interested in the ParaTime staking threshold stored inside the thresholds field. In the example above, the amount to run a Sapphire compute node on the Mainnet is 5,000,000 tokens and should be considered on top of the consensus-layer validator staking thresholds obtained by the network show native-token command.

  • If the entity ID is provided, Oasis CLI shows information on the entity and its corresponding nodes in the network registry. For example:

    oasis network show xQN6ffLSdc51EfEQ2BzltK1iWYAw6Y1CkBAbFzlhhEQ=
    "v": 2,
    "id": "xQN6ffLSdc51EfEQ2BzltK1iWYAw6Y1CkBAbFzlhhEQ=",
    "nodes": [
  • If the node ID is provided, Oasis CLI shows detailed information of the node such as the Oasis Core software version, the node's role, supported ParaTimes, trusted execution environment support and more. For example:

    oasis network show Kb6opWKGbJHL0LK2Lto+m5ROIAXLhIr1lxQz0/kAOUM=
    "v": 2,
    "id": "Kb6opWKGbJHL0LK2Lto+m5ROIAXLhIr1lxQz0/kAOUM=",
    "entity_id": "xQN6ffLSdc51EfEQ2BzltK1iWYAw6Y1CkBAbFzlhhEQ=",
    "expiration": 23482,
    "tls": {
    "pub_key": "SslsTv8Cq/UvKHPk8w1S/Ag/wwsscqSa05bqDAVOR1I=",
    "next_pub_key": "js0fhS02f+G3kW7uu+N47lzcfxjbBEPkPibTfeQrJTA=",
    "addresses": null
    "p2p": {
    "id": "e9fyvK+2FwU805dag81qOsrKHaO5b+nQnHyzEySi258=",
    "addresses": null
    "consensus": {
    "id": "3K2Vx3gTop+/GoM9Zh+ZSGPwVb2BRTFtcAo6xPo4pb4=",
    "addresses": [
    "vrf": {
    "id": "3z85R+Rdud27NUTMFf4gO4NBQbMEnWqnhHhI6AtNx74="
    "runtimes": null,
    "roles": "validator",
    "software_version": "22.2.7"

Status of the Network's Endpoint

network status will connect to the gRPC endpoint and request extensive status report from the Oasis Core node. Node operators will find important information in the report such as:

  • the last proposed consensus block,
  • whether the node's storage is synchronized with the network,
  • the Oasis Core software version,
  • connected peers,
  • similar information as above for each ParaTime, if the node is running it.

At time of writing, the following status of the official gRPC endpoint for Mainnet was reported:

oasis network status
"software_version": "22.2.8",
"identity": {
"node": "KzHeO03gpY/73myCANcPNnNPyH7OZIHpK6BQtk9WTj0=",
"p2p": "0j16hb76BSBV7lQwgjPpxWX0RTCaMIDf4uTwEVnO8Ac=",
"consensus": "ioX5hA28VJJgyFPHU16E7SML6pV9aX6km+ll23//Opk=",
"tls": [
"consensus": {
"status": "ready",
"version": {
"major": 6
"backend": "tendermint",
"mode": "full",
"features": 3,
"node_peers": [
"latest_height": 15772992,
"latest_hash": "e5718445525ecdb149685ff6b334e32197b53c11291ad82c6b4c666b9e8b436d",
"latest_time": "2023-06-07T13:36:34+02:00",
"latest_epoch": 26272,
"latest_state_root": {
"ns": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"version": 15772991,
"root_type": 1,
"hash": "ae6e36ae1d414e554952c3a951acf3acefe538b7151fe1f0ff91a7377d1f0072"
"genesis_height": 8535081,
"genesis_hash": "5864fda0248a1fa53e65d36d9288ee89578003f8980d1900f76638737b43d0ee",
"last_retained_height": 8535081,
"last_retained_hash": "5864fda0248a1fa53e65d36d9288ee89578003f8980d1900f76638737b43d0ee",
"chain_context": "50304f98ddb656620ea817cc1446c401752a05a249b36c9b90dba4616829977a",
"is_validator": false
"runtimes": {
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": {
"descriptor": {
"v": 3,
"id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"entity_id": "4eM2SdjntkGGH0DqhloG8HJsPNSoEeYHFACuOV+9qbc=",
"genesis": {
"state_root": "c672b8d1ef56ed28ab87c3622c5114069bdd3ad7b8f9737498d0c01ecef0967a",
"round": 0
"kind": 1,
"tee_hardware": 1,
"key_manager": "4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004a1a53dff2ae482d",
"executor": {
"group_size": 3,
"group_backup_size": 5,
"allowed_stragglers": 1,
"round_timeout": 2,
"max_messages": 256
"txn_scheduler": {
"batch_flush_timeout": 1000000000,
"max_batch_size": 1000,
"max_batch_size_bytes": 10485760,
"propose_batch_timeout": 2
"storage": {
"checkpoint_interval": 10000,
"checkpoint_num_kept": 2,
"checkpoint_chunk_size": 8388608
"admission_policy": {
"any_node": {}
"constraints": {
"executor": {
"backup-worker": {
"max_nodes": {
"limit": 1
"min_pool_size": {
"limit": 5
"worker": {
"max_nodes": {
"limit": 1
"min_pool_size": {
"limit": 5
"staking": {
"min_in_message_fee": "0"
"governance_model": "entity",
"deployments": [
"version": {
"major": 2,
"minor": 6,
"patch": 1
"valid_from": 21574,
"tee": "oWhlbmNsYXZlc4GiaW1yX3NpZ25lclggQCXat+vaH77MTjY3YG4CEhTQ9BxtBCL9N4sqi4iBhFlqbXJfZW5jbGF2ZVgg+rF441O1/TtufRl4gK9f3R6mMQfF3MWJDgOTx3kGF6E="
"version": {
"major": 2,
"minor": 6,
"patch": 2
"valid_from": 22845,
"tee": "oWhlbmNsYXZlc4GiaW1yX3NpZ25lclggQCXat+vaH77MTjY3YG4CEhTQ9BxtBCL9N4sqi4iBhFlqbXJfZW5jbGF2ZVggm8bEEbu18UnK96qtYtt9XqHNOSeRrmCG4IYvBVAlia8="
"latest_round": 1722387,
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Network selector is available for the network status command.